Creature Attributes

1. AI Attributes
Typically, you will use the default values for the parameters below, with the following exceptions:
Tag, Orders, Ordertag,TeamTag, bTeamLeader, AlarmTag and sometimes Aggressiveness. AttitudeToPlayer, and Combatstyle.

Actor attributes menu:
OddsOfAppearing Likelihood that creature (or other actor) will appear in relevant game modes. Range is 0.0=Never to 1.0=Always (default is 1.0).

Pawn attributes menu:

Display attributes menu:
DrawScale: If the drawscale of a creature is changed from its default value, its collision box (collisionheight and collisionradius) and health will be scaled by the new value at the start of gameplay.

Movement attributes menu:
JumpZ: How far a pawn can jump. If you don't want a pawn to jump that can normally jump (for example, you want to keep a specific Skaarj up on a ledge), set its JumpZ to -1.

AI attributes menu:
bHasRangedAttack : specifies whether creature can attack from beyond melee range.

bMovingRangedAttack : specifies whether creature can use his ranged attack while moving (assuming creature supports this mode).

bCanStrafe : Specifies whether creature can strafe.

bFixedStart : If true, creature always starts from where it was placed. If false, then may start from alternate position depending on its orders (see below).

bQuiet : If true, makes less noise when wandering around

bTeamLeader : Leader of his team (as defined by the TeamTag). There should be only one per team.

bIgnoreFriends : Default false. If true, creature doesn't react to friend's noises.

bDelayedPatrol : If true, and creatures orders are Patroling, then the creature will begin his patrol only when it is triggered. However, it will break off this patrol and react to the player if it sees him. To force the creature to continue to his destination, you can also specify the patrol destination in the creatures alarmtag.

bHateWhenTriggered : Creature will change its attitude to hate the player when triggered by the player.

TeamTag : Creature team to which this creature belongs. As long as the team leader is alive, creatures on the same team will coordinate with each other.. If the species can speak, then creatures on the team will talk to each other.

Skill : Added skill of this creature. Default is 0. For example, if Skill = 1, then the creature will act like a difficulty 2 creature when the difficulty setting = 1.

SightRadius : Maximum sight distance. Creatures likelihood of seeing other pawns depends on how far away the other pawn is relative to the creatures sight radius. the other pawn's visibility, and (soon) how well lit the other pawn is.

PeripheralVision : The cosine of the maximum angle of peripheral vision. A creature which can see 90 degrees to each side (180 degrees total) would have PeripheralVision = ?.

HearingThreshold : Minimum scaled noise loudness which can be heard. While the exact hearing range depends on the creatures alertness, a good rule of thumb is that creatures can hear a typical loud noise if there is a line of sight to the noise location, and HearingThreshold less than 200 / (distance to the noise in Unreal units). For example, a creature with HearingThreshold = 0.4 could typically hear noises if they were no more than 500 units away. A hearing threshold of 0.2 translates to a max hearing distance of 1000 units. Creatures can never hear noises which are more than 2800 units away.

Orders : See Orders section below.

OrderTag : See Orders section below.

TimeBetweenAttacks : Time in seconds between ranged attack barrages (which may include multiple shots).

MeleeRange : Maximum distance from target (not including collision radius of this creature or its target) to launch a melee attack.

Aggressiveness : Typically in the range 0.0 to 1.0. Primarily affects attitude changes (more aggressive creatures will continue to fight, even against a stronger player, less aggressive creatures will be more quick to flee). May also have an effect on tactical combat decisions. Note that creatures will only run away if they have a home base (except for Nali and cow)

Visibility : How visible is this pawn to other creatures (note - does not affect rendering!) 0 = invisible, 128 = normal, 255 = highly visible.

AttitudeToPlayer : Initial attitude to player (may change depending on players actions, and creatures aggressiveness.

>> ATTITUDE_Fear - creature will try to run away
>> ATTITUDE_Hate - creature will attack player
>> ATTITUDE_Frenzy - Indiscriminate, berserk attack (no fear, lower accuracy)
>> ATTITUDE_Threaten - Creature will assume a threatening posture
>> ATTITUDE_Ignore - Creature will ignore player
>> ATTITUDE_Friendly - Creature will fight player's enemies
>> ATTITUDE_Follow - Creature will follow player (not yet implemented).

Intelligence : Creatures intelligence

>> BRAINS_None - amoeba like - only reacts to immediate stimulus
>> BRAINS_Reptile
>> BRAINS_Mammal
>> BRAINS_Human

ReFireRate : Likelihood of firing again immediately after a ranged attack (values from 0 to 1 with higher values indicating a higher probability).

CombatStyle : Tactical decision making during combat. Value between 0.0 and 1.0 Higher means the creature is more likely to charge, try to melee, etc.

AlarmTag : If AlarmTag is set, when the creature sees the player, it will (at all costs) first go to the actor with the same Tag as its AlarmTag. Friendly creatures will wait for the player as they move towards this actor. This can be used either to have friendly creatures lead the player to some area or object, or for unfriendly creatures to try to trigger events or set up initial attack formations. For example, you could have three Kraal in a room. Two attack you, while the other runs for a button which will lock the door behind you and sound an alarm. Alternatively, you could have them spread out in formation, seeking cover or advantageous positions when they see you. AlarmPoints (see below) are designed to provide extensive scripting control when used with the AlarmTag.

SharedAlarmTag : For each group of creatures who have the same string in this field, one of them will choose it to be his alarmtag (overriding any existing alarmtag). You can use this to provide some randomness in which creature performs some important action.

DropWhenKilled : Creature will drop one of these when it is killed.

FirstHatePlayerEvent : Creature will trigger this event the first time he decides to attack the player.

2. Orders
The following initial orders can be given to all creatures. After killing an enemy, they will attempt to continue to execute these orders. Some orders (patroling, guarding) are associated with other actors in the level. For these, you should set the creatures OrderTag to the tag of the associated actor.

The default orders for all creatures. Creature will wait in place, playing various waiting animations, until it receives some external stimulus (sight or sound).

Patroling creatures will patrol along a set of Patrolpoints (a subclass of NavigationPoint) specified by the level designers. The creatures OrderTag should contain the tag of the first Patrolpoint in its patrol. When a creature reaches a Patrolpoint, it will pause for the PauseTime specified in the patrol point, facing in the direction the Patrolpoint is oriented. While pausing, it will play waiting/patrolstop animations. - If a PatrolAnim is specified, the creature will play that specific animation the number of times specified by NumAnims. Each time it plays the animation, it will also play the PatrolSound if one is specified.

Note that the amount of time creatures playing a PatrolAnim pause depends on how long it takes to play the animation NumAnims times, and not the pause time. However, the PauseTime must still be set to a positive number. It will then continue to the Patrolpoint specified in the current Patrolpoint's NextPatrol. If a creature cannot reach the next patrol point, it will wait at its current position. If bFixedStart is false, the creature will start at some random point along his patrol route (not yet implemented).

Guarding creatures will guard the actor whose tag equals their OrderTag. They will remain near, and try to return the guarded actor after combat. If their initial attitude is ATTITUDE_Threatening, they will threaten the player, and try to remain between the player and the guarded object. If the player touches the object they will attack.

The creature is waiting, but more alert than in the waiting state (and possibly playing different animations). If bFixedStart is false and there are Ambushpoints (a subclass of Navigationpoint) with the same tag as the creature, the creature may randomly pick one of these as its starting point. The orientation of the Ambushpoint determines the orientation of a creature using it. Ambushpoints may also be used by creatures that decide to ambush rather than pursue a player.

3. Swarm AI Pawns
Horseflies, biterfish, and blobs all use variations of swarm AI. Do not place individual Horseflies and biterfish in your map. Rather, place horseflySwarms and biterfishSchools, and specify in their properties how many individual creatures they should contain. For blobs, add a parentBlob and a number of bloblets, and give them all the same tag.

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