the mutation



" Whoa! Back from the dead, eh? Sorry to be pulling a JbP on you 8) but I've been damn busy at work. And I've got some bad news for you... "








Monday 31 December, 11:15am

Had to bring the mutation device out of voluntary retirement for this one:

The mutation device ( has a standing
competition: the first person to state honestly that they need more than 250
mutators installed will be awarded a prize of some kind. Applicants must
list all 251+ mutators, and include a brief explanation for each one,
detailing why the mutator is essential

Dear Mutation Device:

I would like to enter your contest of having more than 250 mutators. I can
honestly state that I need more than 250 mutators installed.

Attached, I have a file "mutators.txt", that lists all of the mutators I
currently have, and their description. This information was taken directly
from the .int files of each mutator.

I believe that it is essential that I have all my mutators included in the
game for the same reasons why I believe it is essential that I have all my
maps, mods, models and skins in the game: for more variety. I would like to
be able to choose a few mutators that I want from all of the available
mutators I have, instead of the 250 that UT picks for me. This is why I
believe it is essential to have every mutator included. Also, when I am
over the 250 mutator limit, I don't get to choose which mutators I can have
in the game, UT picks for me. Which means that if the one I want is not
there, I have to unload every mutator and reload the ones I want, then
reload the rest (a real pain). And then I still may not get the ones I want
into the system. This is also why it is essential for me to have every
mutator available.

Please email me back as soon as possible in regards to this matter. If you
decide that I do win your contest, I would like to request that, as a prize,
I would like someone to help me (and others like me, if there are any) to
overcome the 250 mutator limit, with either with a change in the actual
code, another console like the one UT uses, and calls UCC.exe with the
needed parameters, a "mutator manager" external program (or a mutator
itself, like Xmaps or Xbots!), or something of the like.

Although, if you are considering something material for a prize (like a CD
or 2 of UT stuff [maps, mods, muts, sounds, models, and skins], or something
more grand, like a video card or something), I may withdraw that request ;)


Thank you

Jason Clark
AKA "Jayce Cruel"

Jayce Cruel, the mutation device salutes you. 21 sniper rifles. :D As for the rest of you, well, the mutation device is going to return to it's somnolence. Find the tutorials via the nifty navigation tool on your right. If you want the (super-alpha) server admin tool (I still get requests for it for some reason), click on this underlined word. This one. Er, this one. Hey, if you're really keen, possibly even a certified member of the Mutation Device fanclub, click here and here. Ciao baby.

- JbP

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