Sniper's Paradise!

Setting up your Project Folder

Here you will learn how to set up the project folder for your new package. You will be extending the Mutator class in this example, as if we was creating a new mutator.

We need to create a new folder in the Unreal base directory, this is your new project folder. The name of this folder will be the name of the package (.u file) we are creating. So in this example we will simply call it “MyMutator”.

Folder Setup

Within that folder create a new folder called “Classes”. This is where we need to put all of our custom classes (.uc files) that we want to compile. And within this folder lets add our first .uc file. Create a new .uc file by right clicking>New>Text Document.

File Setup

Rename the extension to .uc. Lets name the file “MyFirstMutator”. You new file should look like this when created.

uc Setup

Next lets just add a little code to the .uc file to make it compile for the next step. Open the MyFirstMutator.uc file in your favorite text editing program such as TextPad and at the top declare your new class. We are making a new mutator so extends the Mutator class. Add the following code to the top of the file.

Class MyFirstMutator extends Mutator;

The package will now compile but first we need to tell Unreal to include our package in the list of things to edit when it compiles. We do this by opening the Unreal.ini file which is located in your Unreal\System folder. With this file open, scroll down to the heading [Editor.EditorEngine] and add EditPackages=MyMutator to the bottom of the list.

ut2004 ini Setup

To run the compiler open a command window and navigate to your Unreal\System folder by typing “cd..” without the quotations. Then type “cd unreal\system” without the quotations. If you have done this correctly you should see something like this.

cmd prompt instructions

Once you navigate to your Unreal folder then type "ucc make". You will see Unreal compiling the packages you have listed above and it should look something like this.










Success - 0
error(s), 0 warnings

Tool returned code: 0

Make sure the complier returns successful. Also in order to compile new versions of your package, the old version must first be deleted from the Unreal/System folder.

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