Sniper's Paradise!


A teleporters is used to send a actor/pawn from one location in a level to another or to end a map and go to a completely new level, which is often done in single player maps. Teleporters can also be used to send players to static Unreal servers found somewhere on the internet.

Teleporter's are found in the actor browser under "NavigationPoint", then "Teleporter". Do not use "FavoritesTeleporter" as it is a broken teleporter that was supposed to send you to your favorite online servers.

Below are the teleporter properties that will need to be set in order for the teleporter to work correctly:

Property Specific
CollisionHeight The collision height of the teleporter.
CollisionRadius The collison radius of the teleporter. (diameter=radiusx2).

Tag Name of the teleporter.

bEnabled Enable/disable the teleporter for use.
bChangesYAW Alter's the direction the player face when teleporting.
bChangesVelocity Changes the moving speed of the player teleporting (destination).
URL This is the target destination teleporter (tag).











Creating Teleporters:

To create a working teleporter you will need to set the the name/tag and URL of the teleporter's. If you plan to move back and forth between teleporter's then you will need to name both teleporter's and URL. Example: The first teleporter could be named "tele1" and the second "tele2". To connect the teleporter's to one another you will need to put in their destination URL. Open the properties of the teleporter you named "tele1" and add "tele2" to the "URL". Then open the teleporter you named "tele2" and set it's URL to "tele1". If you don't add a URL to the teleporter's property then the teleporter will act as destination teleporter only and if have more than one teleporter with the same name/tag the player when teleporting will arrive at a one of the teleporter's randomly.

Changing Players Direction:
To ensure that players face the correct direction when teleporting, set "bChangesYAW" on the destination teleporter to true and then setting the direction of the teleporter. This is done in the overhead view of the editor.

The "bEnabled" (true or false) setting will enable or disable the teleporter. To do this, add a trigger and in the trigger properties set the event to the name of the teleporter you want to control. Set the property of the teleporter to False in "bEnabled". Triggering the trigger will toggle between true and false turning the teleporter on or off. You can set the porperty of the trigger to trigger only "once" turning the teleporter either on or off.

Teleporting to other levels:
Teleporting to another maps works the same way as teleportering within a map with the exception of teleporting back and foutrh. To teleport to another level you will need two maps. Each map should contain a teleporter so that you are able to actually get to the destination teleporter. The URL syntax to use is "[mapname]#[teleporter]?peer". 'mapname' is the name of the map and 'teleporter' is the destination teleporter. 'peer' must be present as it tells the game to open a new map.

Example: You have two maps, one called "castle.unr" and the other, "gate.unr". Place one teleporter in "castle.unr" and one in "gate.unr". Lets set the name of the castle teleporter (event, tag) "castle_tel" and the gate teleporter (event, tag) "gate_tel", the correct teleporter URL syntax to teleport from gate.unr to castle.unr would be "castle.unr#castle_tel?peer".

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