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- beyondunreal: my generous host, and all around useful unreal site.

- Unreal Wiki: Excellant resource for information on Unreal mod development, plus the whole wiki concept is cool.

- mutation device: a great mutator-oriented site founded by jbp, but alas is now no longer being updated.  they still have a great collection of tutorials, so it is worth your while to stop by some time.

- tech page: the official unreal/ut technology page maintained by the programmers over at epic. aka, the definitive source for info on the unreal engine.

- Unreal Developer Network: Epic's resource site for engine licensee's, some useful docs available to the public.

- wod: if you're into making/playing weapons for unreal/ut then definitely give this site a whirl. they also have some good tutorials.

if you know of a site that should be listed here, please send it to

copyright 2001 ray davis.  this site and all content belongs to me unless otherwise noted, with the exception of some tutorials.  the authors retain the rights to their material, and are hosted here with their express permission.  everything else is mine though, so don't steal it. bastards.