Sniper's Paradise!

Importing and exporting maps

This feature allows you to port a level from one Unreal engine based game to an other. That means if you have a favorite Unreal Tournament map you want to play in Unreal you can export it in UEd2 and import it into UnrealEd. You can also merge two Unreal levels into one by exporting one map and then importing it into another level.

What is needed to use that feature?
To port maps between games, you need at least two of the following games:

Unreal, Wheel of Time, Klingon Honor Guard, Unreal Tournament, Deus Ex, Rune, The Fallen, Clive Barker?s Undying.

If you own two (or more) you can use the import/export feature to port levels between these games.

To merge two maps you only need UnrealEd.

How do I export?
UnrealEd has an export feature located in the Files menu that is used to export levels. There is also an import/export function in the brushes menu, but it is used to import/export brushes only, not for maps.

To export a level, you select export in the files menu. UnrealEd will then ask you to name the file you are exporting and where you want to save it. The file will then be saves as a T3D. Files in this format can be imported into the UnrealEd.

How do I import?
From the file menu select "import." Then locate your saved exported file and click on "open." The editor will open a option box and ask you if you want to import a new map or add content to a existing map. Select import a new map and then rebuild. You should now be able to play the map.

Choosing to add content to an existing map, is usually used to port two maps together. If choosing add content to existing map option, UnrealEd will add the content to the level you already have loaded in the editor. Once the content is added you will see the newly ported level in wireframe.

Now be careful because wireframe is selected, along with all the actors inside the newly imported map. This is done to make it easy for you to move the entire ported level to a new location in the editor. If you accidently deselect it before it is moved to the location, you can hit the undo button to select the entire ported map. After you move the imported map part into position, you must rebuild and save the map.

What parts of the map cannot be exported/imported?
All map content is exported along with actors, texture and their properties and level properties.

You should be able to import all content of a map as long as its loaded into the editor prior to importing a new level. If you are merging two Unreal levels for example, everything will port over as long as there is no custon content in the map you are porting over. If there is custom content in a map you will need to load it into the editor so it will port over. Custom content is any package that does NOT load up in the editor by default; i.e. textures, sound, music and or actors.

When porting a level from one game to another, some packages/files will not import because the package is not compatible with Unreal. If you want to load a customer package from another game then you will have to customize it to load in Unreal or write your own script. The mover sub-class polyobject for example is exclusive to Rune. If you try to import that into Unreal it will not appear.

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