Sniper's Paradise!

Web Admin

You can Control your server from a remote PC location anywhere in the world over the Internet, via a browser like Internet Explorer or Netscape, once you set up your WebServer section of your Unreal.ini. Using the latest 227 Patch.

A quick overview:

When you Launch an Unreal dedicated server, you are actually doing just that, creating an internet server, with your own modem connection's IP Address as the server's IP Address. When you enable the WebServer section of your ini you are creating a webpage located on your own computer ( server ). To access this webpage all you have to do is open a browser and enter your IP Address and listen port number, if you have specified one in your ini (covered in the following sections). Once you are logged into your own webpage, you can control and modify your Unreal server.

Items that can be modified:

Add Bots, Change Game Types, Change Map Levels, Rename your server or admin name, admin e-mail, MOTD (Message of the Day), max number of players, kick or ban players, add or change mutators, modify the map list, set frag limits, time limits, friendly fire percentage, admin and game password.

The webpage also tells you what the current map running is, it gives you a player list by name and IP Address, the server console shows, who has entered or left the game, along with the chat log.

Setting Up Your Web Admin

Step One: Using NotePad or it's equivalent, open your Unreal.ini. It is located in your Unreal\System directory. Scroll down to this [Engine.GameEngine] section:

ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerPort=27900
ServerActors=UWebAdmin.WebAdminManager Add this line at the end of the server actors

Step Two:

Open your WebServer.ini found in the Unreal/System folder.

ListenPort=80 Is the default setting for Unreal's ListenPort. If you are using another server program like Xitami or Apache it may be also trying to use 80 so you will have to change Unreal's to 88 or 90, on LINUX server use 1025 or higher in order for the WebServer to bind, because LINUX ports up to 1024 are reserved for root authorized applications.

Save your web.iniand you are ready to go.

Step Three: Launch your Unreal Dedicated Server.

Step Four: Now to access web admin with your web browser, type in your address bar, your server IP-address and Listen Port number:

http://<Your IP Address>:ListenPort Number(as entered in your web.ini)/

Example: sure you enter the last / otherwise it will not work.

An authorization window will pop up asking for username and password, fill in the login information you specified in accounts in youe WebServer.ini.

Current...this is the default page you will see when you login to the remote admin website.

Shown on the screen above you will be shown the Players Name, Team, Ping, Score and IP address in the server. You can kick and ban players on this page. At the top you will see several links where you can make changes to the server.

The following is a description of the various sections in more detail:

Switch Map:

On this page you can change the current map by clicking on the drop down arrow and double clicking the map you want to play. You can also choose the game type and mutators you want to run from this page. Choose the Game Type by clicking on the arrow. This will display a drop down listing of the available game types. Clicking the game type will enter the game type into the Drop Down Menu box.

The other option you have on this page is your mutators. To add mutators, hold down the shift button and click on the mutators you want to run. This shouuld highlite each mutator you want to run. Clicking on the "Submit" button you will cause the server to switch to that particular Map, Game Type and Mutators chosen.

Using the Menu to the left you can select >>BanList:

On the BanList page you will be shown the Players Name, IP address, Client ID:

Your options on this screen are:

"Kick" if you check the box in the Kick column next to the Player's name and then press the "Submit" button, that Player will be kicked from the game...this is a temporary condition...if they wish to re-enter the game they can. Only use this command if the Player is getting carried away with rude or annoying behavior or language...of course you should always warn the Player that if they don't follow good conduct type behavior they will be Kicked from the Game. To warn the Player see the "Server Console" section.

"BanIP" if you check the box in the BanIP column next to a Player's name and then press the "Submit" button, that Player will be kicked from the game and their IP address added to your ini file as a banned Player. They will not be able to re-enter your server with that IP Address as long as they are listed in your security.ini. When they try to enter your server they will receive a Printed notice on their screen advising them that they have been banned from your server. In order for that Player to be able to enter your server you can check the unbanned box of that person and press submit.

The next screen is Server Console:

This screen is automatically updated every few seconds. It shows "Event" messages and Player "Chat Dialog".
On the bottom of the screen is a text box with "say" as the default command. If you type in a message like (hello) and press the "Enter" button the console window will show the (Event) Admin: hello. The "Admin: hello" message will also be shown at the top of the screen in the Game for the Players to see. So you can actually have a dialog with the Players, without having to enter the Game. A warning here...using this screen has been know to cause Players to experience "Lag" due to the extra CPU and Bandwidth usage if the server is on a telephone or cable modem.

The Restart Map; selection will do just that...restart the Level over. Using whatever changes were made in the defaults section.

The ConfigLink Section.

Left Clicking on "MainGameConfig" will bring you up to the next screen:

Here you can add or remove ServerPackages/ServerActors

Clicking on "ServerInfoConfig" will bring you to this screen:

This page is self -explanatory. Add the information you want your server to be known as and click submit..

Now click on "MapList" and it will bring up this screen:

Clicking on one of the three links will bring up the maps in cycle page for that particular game type. "Maps in Cycle" displays the Maps that are already in the list of Maps to be used for the Server.

To add maps, highlite the map in the "maps not in cycle" column and press the submit button. To remove highlite the "map in cycle" and press submit.

Left Clicking on "ModConfig" will bring you up to the next screen:

This page is where you set the game rules like frag limit. time limit, number of bots in DeathMatch. TeamGame settings are Friendly fire scale, Maximum teams allowed, Goal team score, Maximum team size and No team switching. Depending on the mods used you will have more mods to choose from

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